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The Smart Drop App

Smart Drop App in App Store 500 400 px 1Mobile App for On-the-Go Analysis

Use our SmartDrop App for quick easy harvest loss calculations in the field. It’s a great compliment to the Bushel Plus SmartPan System, saving you time & money.

  • Quick and easy harvest loss calculation
  • Option to enter and save your combine settings, and crop conditions.
  • Collect data on the go for future reference.
  • Metric and Imperials.
  • Includes: Combine tips from the Canola Council of Canada.

If you don’t check, you don’t know. Harvest loss in wheat, barley, rye, canola, corn, soybeans, edible beans, rice, small grass seeds…our system will help you in any crop.


AG Days Smart Drop feature 1NEW Smart Drop Feature

Control your Bushel Plus System conveniently through your smartphone.

As combines are getting bigger and faster, and because there is often only one person out in the field operating, we at Bushel Plus wanted to keep the safety and efficiency of our farmers a top priority.

Being out in the field regularly, often with no data or cellular signal, we have designed the Smart Drop carrier to create its own Wi-Fi network. With no external connection needed, your smart phone is able to pick up the carrier’s signal from outside the machine or even from the cab.

With the “Wi-Fi Pan Control” feature, you can safely and remotely trigger the pan to release. Additionally, it provides two-way communication so you can get feedback on your pan release in real-time. Our system will notify you whether or not the pan dropped, making it easier to locate it in the field.

With Smart Drop, farmers can attach, release, clean, and calculate a sample faster than ever before while, at the same time, getting more reliable results to calibrate equipment. At Bushel Plus, we know there’s no time to waste when it’s harvest time. Work safer and more efficiently, putting more grain in the bin and less in the field.