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Why Choose The Bushel Plus SmartPan System?

bushel plus customer"It pays for itself

"If you don’t check, you don’t know what you are losing!

These are the most heard responses from customers and it fills us with pride.

Multiple combine manufacturers and dealers have incorporated our Bushel Plus SmartPan System into their internal training, customer combine clinics and prototype testing. They trust the system in the field.

Why should you be checking for loss?  When you invest a lot of time and money into growing your crop, why wouldn’t you want to make sure you are harvesting as much of your crop as possible? Your yield is paying the bills and that’s why you want as much grain in the bin and less wasted in the field. Modern farming emphasizes precision and efficiency.  Farmers calibrate seeders, planters, and sprayers, focusing on making sure that the crop gets the proper nutrients in the right quantities, and making sure chemical applications are as precise as possible.  Put that same focus and attention on maximizing your harvest efficiency by calibrating your combine.

We have been working on the best and most efficient design of combine drop pan systems. Let’s face it, if it’s not fast and easy, you won’t do it!? Especially when it’s harvest time and every minute that combine is standing still, feels like hours. Trust us, we know how that feels!

Savings from farmers have been reported anywhere from 2 to >10%. Just imagine harvesting and selling that much more grain because you have spent a few minutes every day to check your combine harvest loss.

One System – 4 simple steps to save you $10,000’s and more!

From putting it on the machine, to remote release, cleaning your sample and easy calculations. It’s all in one system.


See for yourself why the Bushel Plus SmartPan is the ultimate grain loss measurement system!